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Hospital Particular Alvor


Urgent Care

Hospital Particular Gambelas


Urgent Care



Hospital Particular da Madeira


Urgent Care



Madeira Medical Center

Unscheduled Medical Care

Occupational Therapy


Occupational Therapy is an allied health profession and deals with the prevention, assessment and treatment of Occupational problems, enabling the person at risk or with a dysfunction, to carry out day-to-day occupations.

This type of therapy aims at enabling people to take care of themselves, enjoy their leisure time and / or contribute to the economic and social development of society.

The Occupational Therapist uses specific methods and activities / occupations according to the individual's motivation and needs.

When there is no possibility of recovering an occupational dysfunction, the Occupational Therapist can also use support devices or adaptations to compensate for disabilities. He can also intervene with the family, social or professional environment, counseling family members or caregivers, creating opportunities for involvement, adapting space to the individual's needs and / or removing physical barriers.